papi_kurobi: I'm an active man,who is looking for a real w...

  • offline
    • 52 лет мужчина, Зодиак: Рак
    • Cd. Lazaro Cardenas ,Michoacan, Мексика
    • Испанский(Свободно), Английский(Хорошо)
    • Doctor
    • без детей
    • Был(а) в онлайне: 19 мая 2024 г.
  • Private details and contact information
    Личная информация
    Пол мужчина
    Дети без детей
    Хочу завести еще детей Да
    Рост 5'10" - 5'11" (176-180см)
    Тип тела Атлетическое
    Этническая принадлежность Латино-амерканский
    Религия Католический
    Матримониальное положение Разведен
    Образование Среднее-профессиональное
    Курильщик Нет
    Пьющий Редко
    Информация о человеке, которого вы ищете
    Я ищу женщина
    Ищу в возрасте 22-35
    Ищу, требования к росту
    Ищу, требование к типу телосложения
    Знакомство Брак, Отношения, Романтические отношения
  • Описание:
    I'm an active man,who is looking for a real woman to get marriage.I'm a devotee sportsman,I got a black belt in Karate-Do Goju-Ryu 1st Dan & also a yellow belt in Hapkido.I,m a competitive & fierce Martial Arts performer.I'm looking for a trustworthy and faithful lady to spend a dreamlike romance for the rest of our lives.Come On Dare Yourself!!!!!!!!!! Well, my dear prospect,soon you'll realize I'm a barrel of stamina,direct,keen & pragmatic,I like to spend a joyful time....STRESS ? IT'S NOT FOR ME,I'd rather face each disruptive moment feeling entusiasm and emotional soundness,it is self-control, good balm,supplies a good relief to the spirit.Don't be afraid,we cant last a LONG LONG LONG TIME against each tribulation,let me tell you we will stay above on solid ground,because I'll be taking care about you,believe me,'ts a good duty which a man should to dispense to his woman,I'll stand here Hunting High & Low
    Описание идеального партнера:
    Well,here I go again,let me tell you sweetie ladies,I use to be a ,direct,reasonable,keen & pragmatic man,a man who knows how to word his thoughts and feelings,in many moments my feelings have a longing & incendiary outbreak,it doesnt mean that I'm losing control over my acts,I think is healthy feel and show passion and entusiasm,feel the drumbeat of my life.Well, I need a woman who shall be smart,ruled by the reason,ruled by the self-control,sensual,healthy,she should not pull me down into her frivolities (no more levities),open-minded(very important) she must show moral soundness to face disruptive times,KIRITSU my ladies!!!!!!!!! You Right On Target!!!!

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