Robert: I have blue eyes and dark, brown hair. I am g...

  • offline
    • 46 Jahre alt männlich, Sternzeichen: Zwillinge
    • amherst, USA
    • English(Fliessend)
    • Investment banker
    • 1 Kind
    • Zuletzt Online: 2. Januar 2024
  • Private Daten und Kontaktinformationen
    Persönliche Daten
    Geschlecht männlich
    Kinder 1 Kind
    will Kinder haben Ja
    Größe 6'2" - 6'3" (186-190cm)
    Körperbau Sportlich
    Ethnizität Kaukasisch
    Religion Katholik
    Familienstand Single
    Ausbildung MA/MS/MBA
    Einkommen $70,000/Jahr und mehr
    Raucher Nein
    Trinker(in) Selten
    Details der Person die Sie suchen
    Ich suche frau
    Ich suche nach einer Altersgruppe 18-35
    Ich suche nach der Größe
    Ich suche nach Körperbau
    Beziehung Freizeitpartner, Freundschaft, Ehe, Beziehung, Romantik
  • Beschreibung:
    I have blue eyes and dark, brown hair. I am good-looking, confident, with an athletic physique.I love to and do travel to exotic locations around the world. I enjoy yachting, sailing, wind surfing and swimming on private beaches. I am well read and enjoy classic Russian Novels. I am independently wealthy and own a very successful investment banking firm. I am generous, kind and wish to share my extraordinary life with someone who is deserving. I need an extraordinary woman who wants to be my sexual submissive. I am fortunate to live a wealthy, dream life and wish to share it with a beautiful girl, inside and out. Although I have certain needs in the bedroom, I want an equal partner in marriage. Thank you for reading my profile, Love Michael
    Beschreibung eines idealen Partners(einer idealen Partnerin):
    Looking for an intelligent, sweet, kind, beautiful and not jaded girl to marry. I am also looking for a sexually submissive girl and I have certain needs which I will explain later on. I am straightforward and wish to know all I can right away as I cannot wast time.

Global Services and Outsourcing Ltd International House, 776-778 Barking Road London E13 9PJ, United Kingdom