Svend Richard: Nå, det synes så let at bede folk om at fortæ...

  • offline
    • 78 y/o male, Zodiac: Aries
    • Tranbjerg J, Denmark
    • English(Fluent), Danish(Fluent), German(Good)
    • Driver buses
    • without children
    • Last online: 8 May 2019
  • Private details and contact information
    Personal details
    Sex male
    Children without children
    Want children No
    Height 6'0" - 6'1" (181-185cm)
    Body type Average
    Ethnicity Caucasian
    Religion Christian
    Marital status Single
    Education High School graduate
    Income $30,000-$50,000/year
    Smoker Rarely
    Drinker Rarely
    Details of the person you are looking for
    I look for a female
    Looking for an age range 35-71
    Looking for a height
    Looking for a body type Average
    Relationship Activity Partner, Friendship, Marriage, Relationship, Romance, Casual
  • Description:
    Nå, det synes så let at bede folk om at fortælle om sig selv, men når det er din tur, vi har mangel på ord - så jeg vil fortælle skyder hvad der foregår lige fra mit hjerte. Jeg er afslappet, loyale og venlige person, og jeg forsøger altid at behandle mennesker ligesom jeg ønsker at blive behandlet til gengæld. Jeg tror, at hvert enkelt problem kan løses, hvis at tale over det. Jeg tror på tillid og respekt, som jeg er sikker på, at der er tale om to meget vigtige faktorer for ægte stærkt forhold.
    Jeg kan ringe til mig meget aktiv er jeg sikker på, som jeg ikke er vant til at vente på noget at komme og hvis jeg ønsker at opnå noget, jeg går lige til mit mål og som regel får jeg hvad jeg vil på grund af det hårde arbejde og tålmodighed
    I am alone person faithfull and honesty and want nice woman who have the same point off life, to bee at my side fore all our life
    All my children have their own life and are grow up and have famely off their own.
    I am normal person and I like many things in life
    Will you bee my SOULMATE and later wife
    Thank you to all your young girls who send smile to me but I want serius contact not only fun time
    I am serius with this profile ‼ ‼
    I want to get contact with a woman who knows to live a grown up life and not be like a young girl
    I hope the best from this profile with love from
    I am not here fore fun but serius life and contact with a nice woman
    Will soon be member so we can get in contact I want to find the woman fore my life. Your age, children,what you have done in your life or how many you have known doesnt mater. Its only you and me thats mater.I have been in Kiev sevel time and love to come back again to meet the only one. Tell me your full name when you writhe to me and please show some more new piuc not taken off prof photomaster
    I have been in contact with some women here, but they want only money and not love. 🤣 😁
    Ideal match description:
    You who look at my site now
    Age are not so importen so please make a try.
    You can bee the woman I looking fore
    You have to tell me where you are
    You know if you will live together with me 🧐 😮 🤣 😮ops: 😮ops:
    Only woman who knows life and will be ready to move to Danmark and live TOGETHER as wife and lover will be in my action.
    If you send smil and have private photos and I ask to get them, please give your accept very soon. S
    If all so young girl want to in contact with me please more information Tell more abauth yourself and what you want to do to make a start off new life in Denmark and tell more abauth your child(

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